1. In series RLC high Q circuit, the current peaks at a frequency
a) Equal to the resonant frequency
b) Greater than the resonant frequency
c) Less than the resonant frequency
d) Equal to half the resonant frequency
ans. a
2. Two port networks are connected in cascade. The parameters of the network are obtained by multiplying in individual
a) z - parameter matrix
b) h- parameter matrix
c) y- parameter matrix
d) ABCD parameter matrix
ans. d
3. The necessary and sufficient condition for a rational function of, T(s) to be driving point impedance of an RC network is that all poles and zeros should be
a) Simple and lie on the negative axis in the s-plane
b) Complex and lie in the left of the s-plane
c) Complex and lie in the right of the s-plane
d) Simple and lie on the positive real axis of the s-plane
ans. a
4. A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage sources. If values of all the resistors are doubled , then the voltage across each resistor will
a) become half
b) become double
c) increase by four times
d) not change
ans. d
5. The number of independent loops for a network with n nodes and b branches is
a) n-1
b) b-n
c) b-n+1
d) independent of the number of nodes
ans. c
6. A DC voltage source is connected across a series RLC circuit. Under steady state conditions, the applied DC voltage drops entirely across the
a) R only
b) L only
c) C only
d) R and L combination
ans. c
13. An unshielded moving iron voltmeter is used to measure the voltage in an AC circuit . The stray DC magnetic field having a component along the axis will be
a) unaffected
b decreased
c) increased
d) either decreased or increased depending on the direction of the DC field
ans. d
14. The DC voltmeter has sensitivity of 1000 ohm per volt. When it measures half full scale in 100V range, the current through the voltmeter is
a) 100 mA
b) 1 mA
c) 0.5 mA
d) 50 mA
ans c
15. A moving coil of meter has 100 turns, a length and depth of 10mm and 20mm respectively. It is positioned in a uniform radial flux density of 200 mT. The coil carrier current capacity is 50 mA. The Torque on the coil is
a) 200 µNm
b) 100 µNm
c) 2 µNm
d) 1 µNm
ans. a
17. A moving coil ammeter has a fixed shunt of 0.02 ohm resistance. If the coil resistance of the meter is 1000 Ohms, a potential difference of 500 mV is required across it for full-scale deflection. Under this condition, the current in the shunt would be
a) 2.5 A
b) 25 A
c) 0.25 A
d) 0.025 A
ans. b
18. Measurement of a non-electrical quantity involves
a) Equal to the resonant frequency
b) Greater than the resonant frequency
c) Less than the resonant frequency
d) Equal to half the resonant frequency
ans. a
2. Two port networks are connected in cascade. The parameters of the network are obtained by multiplying in individual
a) z - parameter matrix
b) h- parameter matrix
c) y- parameter matrix
d) ABCD parameter matrix
ans. d
3. The necessary and sufficient condition for a rational function of, T(s) to be driving point impedance of an RC network is that all poles and zeros should be
a) Simple and lie on the negative axis in the s-plane
b) Complex and lie in the left of the s-plane
c) Complex and lie in the right of the s-plane
d) Simple and lie on the positive real axis of the s-plane
ans. a
4. A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage sources. If values of all the resistors are doubled , then the voltage across each resistor will
a) become half
b) become double
c) increase by four times
d) not change
ans. d
5. The number of independent loops for a network with n nodes and b branches is
a) n-1
b) b-n
c) b-n+1
d) independent of the number of nodes
ans. c
6. A DC voltage source is connected across a series RLC circuit. Under steady state conditions, the applied DC voltage drops entirely across the
a) R only
b) L only
c) C only
d) R and L combination
ans. c
13. An unshielded moving iron voltmeter is used to measure the voltage in an AC circuit . The stray DC magnetic field having a component along the axis will be
a) unaffected
b decreased
c) increased
d) either decreased or increased depending on the direction of the DC field
ans. d
14. The DC voltmeter has sensitivity of 1000 ohm per volt. When it measures half full scale in 100V range, the current through the voltmeter is
a) 100 mA
b) 1 mA
c) 0.5 mA
d) 50 mA
ans c
15. A moving coil of meter has 100 turns, a length and depth of 10mm and 20mm respectively. It is positioned in a uniform radial flux density of 200 mT. The coil carrier current capacity is 50 mA. The Torque on the coil is
a) 200 µNm
b) 100 µNm
c) 2 µNm
d) 1 µNm
ans. a
17. A moving coil ammeter has a fixed shunt of 0.02 ohm resistance. If the coil resistance of the meter is 1000 Ohms, a potential difference of 500 mV is required across it for full-scale deflection. Under this condition, the current in the shunt would be
a) 2.5 A
b) 25 A
c) 0.25 A
d) 0.025 A
ans. b
18. Measurement of a non-electrical quantity involves