13 September 2018


1. Passenger pigeon previously existed in

a. South America
b. South Africa
c. North America
d. Australia

ans. c

2. The sponge that lives in shallow marine water is

a. Leucosolenia
b. Euplectella
c. Chalina
d. Cliona

ans. a

3. Read the following statement

1) All scyphozoans are solitary and medusoid forms are Sedentary
2) Cnidarians are generally unisexual forms
3) Ephyra larvas are produced by scyphistoma of gorgonia
4) All anthozoans are exclusively polypoid forms

From the above statements choose the correct answer

a. Except 1, all are correct
b. Except 2, all are correct
c. Except 3, all are correct
d. Except 4, all are correct

ans. c

4. The larva of cestodes is

a. Miracidium
b. Redia
c. Cercaria
d. Cysticerus

ans. d

5. Hagfish is also called

a. Amphioxus
b. lime eel
c. Lancelet
d. Lamprey

ans. b

6. This bone in the birds is called wishbone?

a. Synsacrum
b. Pygostyle
c. Sternum
d. Furcula

ans. d

7. Cytolytic enzymes secreted by the secretory organelles are helpful in the penetration of sporozoite into

a. RBC
b. Liver cells
c. Crop of mosquito
d. WBC

ans. a

8. Which part of the brain autonomous nervous system?

a. Cerebrum
b. Diencephalon
c. Cerebellum
d. Corporabigemina

ans. b

9. Trace the path of sperms after they are produced in the testes

A. Bidders canals
B. Ureter
C. Transverse canals
D. Seminiferous tubules
E. Vasa efferntia
F. Cloaca

The correct answer is

a. D -> A -> E -> B -> C -> F
b. E -> D -> A -> C -> F -> B
c. D -> E -> A -> C -> B -> F
d. A -> D -> B -> E -> C -> F

ans. c